Special Areas

Vincent Brouillard aka "Coach B"

Physical Education

PHONE: 512-414-2395

EMAIL: vincent.brouillard@austinisd.org


Jaqueline Ramos Gonzalez

Physical Education

PHONE: 512-414-2395

EMAIL: jaqueline.ramosgonzalez@austinisd.org


Vangie Gardner

Mrs. Gardner graduated from Birmingham-Southern College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music and a Masters in Music from the University of Texas at Austin. She also received her K-12 certification from UT as well. Mrs. Gardner has served as a mentor for new music teachers with AISD for 6 years and has presented topics for professional development in her field. Mrs. Gardner performs professionally with other musicians and enjoys spending time with her family. Her son Ridley, a sophomore at McCallum high school, is into art and animation.

PHONE: 512-414-2395

EMAIL vangie.gardner@austinisd.org

ROOM# Music



Sasha Azar

Art Teacher

PHONE: 512-414-2395

EMAIL sasha.d.azar@austinisd.org