Graham CAC Agenda September

Campus Advisory Council

August Agenda

School Name: Graham Elementary School

Date/Time: September 19, 2022 / 3:15 pm

Location: Graham Elementary, Room 204

Meeting Type (select 1): Regular Meeting

Agenda Items Action Items Presiding Co-Chair Presenter/ Resource Person
Welcome, Call to Order   Amanda Amezquita Piñeda Bardo Montelongo
Citizens Communications     Bardo Montelongo
Approval of Minutes      
CIP Draft Presentation X    

Suggested Activities:

  • 2022 Bond Election Presentation
  • CAC Training Guide Presentation
    Bardo Montelongo & LaKesha Drinks

Action items indicate there is an expected action to be taken. However, members may make motions at any time during the meeting (for example., in relation to and update of discussion).


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